Thursday, March 20, 2008


This was my spiring break project. I decided to re-deign one of my characters using only a silhouette. I did the original thumbs in brushpen, imported them in, and then worked the whole thing up from black and white. I don't think i am done yet, but I am running out of things to paint on this one.


Jacob Atienza said...

I love it man, definitely one of your best concepts to date. It's all sortsa fucked up. I might give this one a go if you don't mind, just for shits and giggles.

Quincy Boyd said...

Yeah man, have at it. It will be interesting to see how you give it your own style. Just try not to make it better than mine! LOL!

Arthur said...

keep pushing those african/french themed concepts, its a very unique idea. You might be interested in history of abstract art (Cubism) influenced by african art. Picasso especially!

Anonymous said...

I finally signed up for a blog! But I got nothing so far. haha. love your stuff! can't wait to see more!

Lolita Sudjono said...

Hey, found your blog from Arthur's, great concepts & monster design you have here, kinda reminds me of Katsuya Terada or Carlos Huante style.

*Awesome with 2 thumbs up.*